Words fail me pic

Words fail me pic

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Come and see...

Nathanael said to him, "Can anything good come out of Nazareth?" Philip said to him, "Come and see." (John 1:46 ESV)

"Can anything good come out of Nazareth?"

While reading this morning, I saw this and it reminded me that sometimes we look at people or neighborhoods or countries and think "nope. They're too far gone, what could possibly come from THEM that is good? Lost cause..." (Lord, I pray
 now BREAK ME from that way of thinking when it comes to mind. Help me notice when I think that way about anyone/group. Help me hold those thoughts captive and stop them in their tracks).

YOU, no matter who YOU are, or where you've come from or what you've done...


What good can come from you who have come from addiction and abuse and a bad neighborhood and abandonment and pain? Your testimony. Which glorifies your Father. WHICH CHANGES LIVES. I firmly believe that your past usually dictates in what area you'll serve in the future. THE WORLD NEEDS YOU. Not "people like you" but YOU!

Until the day you die on earth, you will have the opportunity to change the world. So what good can come from where you've been? SHOW THEM


And in reading more of John, I see that Jesus only needs to tell a few people in each area before He moves on. He know the word of their testimony holds the power of the One (Jesus) who made it possible. 

When he heals one, the whole household is save
d. When he stays in an area two days, they all come to know Him. 

TESTIMONY is so powerful! I guess if He did it all Himself what would have happened when He was gone? 

TELL SOMEONE YOUR TESTIMONY TODAY! Be vulnerable. Be transparent. Do it all in love!