I've regarded this Monday night class...study...--I don't know what the heck it is, but it's been life changing-- as something to build my self-esteem but it hit me.  I don't need anymore self. That's been the problem.  I've been focusing on mySELF for 30 years. How people see ME, how I see mySELF, the impression I'm making on others before I've ever even thought Lord, how do You see me? 

The word "esteem" refers to "placing high value on something"  or "to regard"... and self esteem would end these phrases with the word: yourself.  

To place high value on yourself
To regard yourself

I want the high value to be on God and who I am in Him and discover what the Word says about this.  "Regard" means to "look at" so if I had to sum this whole word study up, I'd say:

I don't want self-esteem.  I want to place the highest value on He who created me. I want to continually gaze upon Him and study His Word to tell me who I am.  His-esteem.  His renown.

Relying on something already written to tell me who I am????  Sounds a heck of a lot easier than what I've been doing.  Trying to write my own definition, which I've botched up and aggravate my husband with.  

I think this class has done such an amazing job of getting this across.  Last week when we learned we are complete, lacking nothing in Him, it made me want it.   I want that kind of esteem.  To be complete in someone other than myself.  

Guess what?  I'm getting it.  I'm changing a little.  I'm starting to question my views about who I am.  For 10 years, I've acknowledged that I'm a child of God, but never thought too much about what that meant except He saved me.


Is being rescued enough?  Heck yes.  Are we allowed to want more in a life directed by our Father?  A to tha MEN.  Is it scary?  You betcha.  But we are facing our fears in this class.  Surrounded by one another (and some of you are doing it by reading things on Facebook.)  

Do it afraid.  But do it.  

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

I am not saying do not be confident.  BE CONFIDENT in the person you are in Christ.  I'm just saying it's easier to be confident when you know who you are.