Words fail me pic

Words fail me pic

Monday, May 19, 2014

If you love to hate on bad grammar, you're safe here


We need to get past the MEAN grammar/spelling nazi jokes. I'm married to one of the most genuine, deep, loving, spiritual, wordy men in the world.  


He spells like an angry pirate and his grammar is so unexpectedly wrong sometimes it makes me sneeze. I'm allergic to it. NO PUNCTUATION ANYWHERE. EVER!!! Somehow he even SPEAKS with incorrect spelling.  

It's why God placed us together in this union. He is deep, I get to proofread what he writes. I love it. Lerrrrrrrv it!  I can't get enough of editing and rearranging while he isn't even programmed to care. 

Listen, if you disregard what someone writes on social media because they use loose instead of lose then your the one missing out. Sea what I did their?(Y'all gon make me loose my mind up in hear up in hear.) 

I know it's a joke, and I love the funny memes, too, but I think they're setting us up to be grammar loving tools. 

I mess up often and it bugs me. I have to change it when I catch it, or the twitches set in, but that's on me. I would never put that on someone else. (Psst. I don't always catch it. I love commas too much, there I said it.)

There are people who have amazing things to say and we don't see because we're so proud of taking our metaphorical RED pens and slashing up their message so much that all we end up seeing is RED. Literally... figuratively...metaphorically.... stupidly...dotdotdot...dotdotdot...

Try not to be an angerball about it, k?  

When all is said and done, I can't make out with grammar, but I CAN make out with Isaac. Soooooooo, I choose him!!!