Words fail me pic

Words fail me pic

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

God is our justice

When you have been hurt and want the person to know and can't figure out how to make your feelings known and feel like making a proclamation to the world about it, know this:

He (our Justice, our Jesus) can convict hearts in ways we never can. Why? Because He created those hearts and knows the deep dark crevices that we don't know exist. He knows the WHY of the behavior and we only know the behavior. He knows where the pain originated which caused that person to hurt you. THAT is where true change happens. In the deep dark places that we don't even know exist in people and sometimes they don't either. You can't even touch that, so shake the dust from your feet and allow the One who CAN touch that to heal it. Freedom all around. 

Fight the urge to be passive-aggressive about it, sweet one. It makes you feel better but the ONE person that you hope "gets it" by reading or hearing your feelings is the ONE person that will NEVER be affected by your passive-aggressive justice. Let go of hoping they'll realize your thoughts are about them. They won't. And if they do they'll be offended by it anyway. So what made you feel better for a moment only serves to put more distance between you. It causes confusion. 

Let Jesus be your justice. He already is. Live and love in that. It's the best kind of freedom! His justice isn't about punishment but about healing. 

Go past the angry, hurt place and surrender the need to be the one to cause change by thoughts that are worded in just the right way. Entrust that person to Jesus, even if they don't know Him. It's the sweetest kind of love.