Words fail me pic

Words fail me pic

Friday, April 8, 2011


Prayer is intense.  Prayer makes me feel safe.  Prayer is..confusing.  I've often wondered, why pray when God knows what will/can/should happen.  God can do everything.  Why pray to a God who has it all under control?  What difference could I possibly make by praying?  Except...i kind of like it.

I've started to realize over the years that prayer isn't just requesting something.  I've always remembered what i learned a few years ago about prayer


Ok, maybe I didn't keep it in mind because I can't remember what the A and Y mean.  Atone?  Yearn?  Basically, when I pray I come to God first as open as I can possibly be.  I thank Him for life, my relationship with Him and others and a lot of random things.  Then I ask Him to forgive me for...being me (human) and even for things I don't know I've done.  Then, I usually get into the request.

BUT, that is my scheduled prayer.  I "pray" to God hourly and sometimes minute to minute.  I think that is what He wants more than me only praying when I need something. I have this continued conversation going on with God throughout the day and I can be funny or sarcastic or mad or crazy happy.  I know that He gets it.

"There is not in the world a kind of life more sweet and delightful than that of a continual conversation with God." -Brother Lawrence

SO.  Why pray?  I think it's mutual gratification.  He gets to keep up conversation with his created child (and why else would He have created?) and His child gets to feel connected with their creator.  He's not too big and far away to chat.  He literally is with me 24/7 and always yearning for our conversation.  I am wanted and that will never change. I don't have to worry about if he's in the mood to talk to me.  He is.

I should probably stop and say here that prayer works. It works in extreme times of duress and pain and healing, but that's not really what I'm talking about here.  I'm talking about why we should pray daily and keep up this relationship.

"Like all good things, prayer requires some discipline.  Yet I believe that life with God should seem more like a friendship than duty. Prayer includes moments of ecstasy and also dullness, mindless distraction and acute concentration, flashes of joy and bouts of irritation.  In other words, prayer has features in common with all relationships that  matter."  Philip Yancey

On Wednesday at Bible study, Pastor Steve spoke about when people ask about hearing the voice of God. Why is it so hard and what does it sound like and where does it come from?  The questions are endless.  There aren't any answers, by the way.  It's all personal and only you can answer it, but there are ways to "better your chances of knowing"  haha


Ok, this has kind of been all over the place and I'm struggling with blogging.  I want it to not be like I'm writing a paper in college, but I don't know how to find my voice.  Jennifer Wayne said "maybe you should pray about it"  haha  Ok Jenn, I will.

"If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you."  John 15:7

To "abide" means to remain; continue; to stay.  So, if you remain in Him and His words stay with you, you can ask for whatever you wish and it will be done.  

Talk to Him today and see what happens...

Friday, April 1, 2011

About me these days...

Right now, I am spiritually open.  I've never been more hungry for the knowledge of God's words.  I want to know what He REALLY means in the Bible as opposed to what has become normal.  And what is normal, may be what He wants for us...but it may not.  Example:  I used to believe that if I didn't pray before a meal, I may be letting sickness into my body.  Ah jeez, it's embarrassing to even write.  This is nothing I preached about or told my kids, I didn't even realize that's what I was thinking when I did it.   If I forgot, then I would be scared that I was gonna get it!  

I firmly believe this is NOT how God wants us to live.  Being scared of a set of rules He has set before us. That's not what "the fear of God" means.  

Hebrews 12:28-29 says “Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for our ’God is a consuming fire.’”   The fear is a reverence and an awe for our creator.  

I won't get into the whole fear thing here, because I think it literally means to fear him too, I just think we have misconstrued the meaning of the word fear.  I digress..

SO, since Proverbs 1:7 says "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge" then I'm coming before Him asking to be schooled.  I was saved 10 years ago and I'm pretty sure I haven't made it past the spiritual toddler stage.  Believe me, any toddler stage has points that are NO fun (see my posts about Asher) but it also has these amazing stages full of wonder and experience and soaking things in like you'll never be able to soak it in again.  I want to do that now before I grow up and never get this chance again.  

I'm open.  I'm learning.  I'm loving.  I'm letting things go.  

You are welcome to join me on this journey via blog (i'm a newbie)  It won't always be about spiritual matters alone, but because Christ is in me, He's in my blog.  

Much love to ya,