Words fail me pic

Words fail me pic

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Whatever You're doing...

There is a song that I've heard here and there but never really paid attention to and suddenly, it's really getting to me.  I love when that happens!  It happens with the Word of God, also.  I may have read a scripture 100 times (literally) and suddenly it has new meaning or I see it's true meaning.  There is a time for everything, after all...

I don't know what to do with this blog but just post the lyrics to Whatever You're Doing by Sanctus Real.  Sorry if any lyrics are wrong, I just copied and pasted from a lyrics site.   But the gist and overall feeling of the song is what I'm talking about.  Specifically "whatever you're doing inside of me, it feels like chaos but somehow there's peace."  2011 has been my internal chaos.  2012 is bringing the peace.  Chaos because I'm finally learning who God is and IT IS INTENSE.  Intensity has always been bad for me.  It was hard to step back and say "oh, ok this is intense but in a good way."  That was the chaos part.  The peace part will be taking what I've learned and feeling Him leading me, quieting me with His love and then walking in that knowledge.  (ssshhh, I don't want to do it...I'm scared so I'm going to need that peace more than I need air)

2011 was a year that we had to walk away from a church where Isaac had been his entire life and where I had been my entire spiritual life.  It was so hard because we didn't feel led to leave, we just felt so obviously called to Celebration.  We felt a little torn, but the calling to Celebration was SO strong that it hit us before we even walked in the door.  So many things happened this year that were hard for us that I can see God's timing in this.  He knew we needed to be with the spiritual family He had for us NOW before these things came to pass. I thank Him (like, on my knees thankful) that He made it so obvious and the transition so easy.  We needed to be with them when our walls started to crumble.  We needed to be at THIS church starting in January of 2011 and put all of our passion, talents, love, into this part of the body of Christ.  

I don't know where to go from here, but I never do.  Sometimes you don't see the direction you're supposed to walk (or run) until you're in the middle of the fork in the road and you have no more steps before you have to make a decision.  BUT KEEP WALKING until it's clear. NEVER stop moving.  (Also, it's never too late to turn around.) You can wait on His voice while you're walking in the general direction.  And if you don't know the general direction, do what you know is right and good.  Be a good person, help out and smile :)  So many times we hear salvation and knowing God isn't about being a good person, and it's not...what it's ALL about.  It's about surrender, forgiveness, love, passion, purpose, reflection, righteousness, a ton of other stuff and...goodness.  Jesus is good.  And to be Christ-like we need to be good.  So don't leave that part out because you hear so many times that's not what it's all about.  

Ok that blog just went out of control like they all do.  Here are the lyrics.  Maybe they'll speak to you, too?  Any questions about Celebration Church, you can find at celebratesomethingreal.com or by asking me.  I've never been in a place so intent on loving you (whether you want it or not) and serving.  Serving Christ, the community, members of the family, people they don't know, people who are hateful toward them.  Love and serve.  Wow.  

It's time for healing time to move on 
It's time to fix what's been broken too long
Time make right what has been wrong 
It's time to find my way to where I belong
There's a wave that's crashing over me 
All I can do is surrender

Whatever you're doing inside of me 
It feels like chaos somehow there's peace
It's hard to surrender to what I can't see

but I'm giving in to something heavenly

Time for a milestone
Time to begin again
Revaluate who I really am
Am I doing everything to follow your will
or just climbing aimlessly over these hills
So show me what it is you want from me
I give everything I surrender...


Time to face up
Clean this old house

Time to to release all my held back tears

Whatever you're doing inside of me 
It feels like chaos but I believe
You're up to something bigger than me 
Larger than life something heavenly

Whatever you're doing inside of me 
It feels like chaos but now I can see 
This something bigger than me 
Larger than life something heavenly
Something heavenly

It's time to face up
Clean this old house 
Time breathe in and let everything out

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