Words fail me pic

Words fail me pic

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


This is the first time I've ever sat down to blog with no theme or idea in mind.  I want to just write because I'm in the mood to type, so I'm a little scared of what will come outta this brain, yo.

So, I'm now a woman who has been married for EIGHT years.  We've been together for TEN and honestly, I can't believe it's been that long.  I think back to when we dated and it doesn't seem that long ago.  It was also months after I accepted Jesus and started to learn about spiritual matters, so I had a heck of a lot going on.  AND IT WAS SO MUCH FUN!

Now, we have babies and I don't work, I'm not using my degree (except writing for fun) and I'm happy.  We aren't poor or rich, we're just content and it's what I've always strived for.  (Sssssss, ended a sentence with a preposition...ok, ok, I can do this.  Let it go, C)

Honestly, I have a little bit of a hard time parenting Zoe.  Asher is easy.  He's just this BOY that is very intense and honestly, hard to deal with, but SO predictable.  Now, Zoe.  Zoe. Zoe. Zoe.  My daughter.  My emotional, never-get-the-same-reaction-to-the-same-thing daughter.  My sweet, jealous, comparative, spiritual daughter.   Did I say she was emotional?  Did ya get that part?  Geez... How do you parent a personality that is exactly like yours????  Moody to the extreme and if there is a mood in the room, she's gonna catch it.  Dear sweet Jesus, go before me and prepare my 40ish self for a hormonal, pre-/teen daughter who will have PMS.  Do I want it at the same time as me, so it's only one time a month?  Or space it out a little?   Poor Isaac and Ash is all I GOTSTA say.

I am completely dependent upon coffee.  One time, I realized we were out of Starbucks before I got out of bed and I thought about NOT sending the kids to school, so I wouldn't have to get up and get them ready.  Seriously.  That's pathetic, right?  Nah, not pathetic, but it's maybe indicative of a problem haha.  And I only drink one cup a day, so it's not necessarily the caffeine but the idea of that steaming cup of goodness that makes my brain come alive, ALIVE I TELL YA!

 (i'm a drinking a BIG mug now, can ya tell?)

Ok, ok, what else?  For the past year, I've been writing poetry every single day and I have hundreds that are saved on my computer and I have no idea what to do with them.  I don't want anyone to read them (ok, that hinders me alot), I don't need them published, I just like playing around with them and making them as perfect as I can.  That's been enough until recently and now I feel this need to do something with them.  I just struggle with putting them out there because I don't want people to think I think they're good.  Make sense?  I don't want people to tell me they're good or not because they are my heart and it doesn't matter if they're "good."  They just are.  Any ideas, people?

I just read the Hunger Games Trilogy and I'M SO GLAD I DID!  I usually shy away from anything that looks like I'm hopping onto any type of bandwagon (not the best trait of mine because I miss out on a lot) but Jamie Davidson convinced me.  Now, I can't wait for the movie.  Isaac is going to take me to see it in Columbus at an IMAX theater so we can have a whole Hunger Games/shopping weekend next month.

Ok, I feel finished writing.  I always enjoy a little randomness...

1 comment:

  1. You are so cute! I am not sure how I missed this before. If God has given you a talent (writing) do not be afraid of people thinking you think it is good! Yes, it is good! He gave it to you.

    1 Corinthians 1:31
    so that, as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.”
