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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Become like a child...Asher says it's "soopah fun"

At that time the disciples came to Jesus, saying, “Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?” And calling to him a child, he put him in the midst of them and said, “Truly I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 18:1-4
The other day, I was singing to my children. Asher likes when I sing Adele; Zoe likes when I sing JJ Heller.  I thought how wild it was that I've never been able to sing in front of adults, but in front of my kids (or any kids really) I can.  I don't really care about them hearing me.  In fact, the more out of tune I sound, the better to them.  It just amazed me that I had such freedom around them and I could be more "Courtney" than ever.   

I really have thought often about what it means to be "like a child" as opposed to "childish."  THAT MUCH, I understand.  Being childish consists of the things people think of as negative with kids (I WANT THAT NOW and LIFE ISN'T FAIR and I'M WIPING THIS BOOGER ON YOU CUZ I CAN and I'M GOING TO TAKE WHAT YOU SAID AND TWIST IT ALL AROUND TO BENEFIT MY AGENDA).  

I get how Jesus wants us to be humble and unassuming like a child (child-like).  And...

Quick to cry when they're sad
Quick to laugh when they're happy
Quick to let you know when they are mad
HAVE ALL THE TIME IN THE WORLD TO FOCUS ON WHAT ANYONE ELSE WOULD THINK SILLY.  Like following a bug around just to see what happens.  

I get all that and WOW, isn't it true?  But, what I was thinking about while singing in front of the kids was something that had never occurred to me.  

When you are child-like, the PEOPLE AROUND you are also affected.  It's not just all about you.  

Think about how adults react to kids.  We get down on their level, and start to have fun in a way we haven't in a LONG time.  Suddenly, playing with cars is fun and their happiness regarding it is contagious.  We start to let go of the world a little bit and get into theirs.  Kids haven't formed judgement on the world yet and we feel safe in their presence.  They haven't learned to be cynical or doubt that what you say is true is really true!  How refreshing! Ok, now apply that to how Jesus wants us to be in Matthew 18.  Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Maybe it's not all about what it means for US to be child-like but for what it looks like for OTHERS to SEE us be that way.  When we aren't so cynical and judgmental and hateful, it definitely looks different to the world.  

I think they start to then want that (even if they don't realize it) and thereby come around you more often.  It's sort of an extension of when Pastor Steve talked about "smelling like Jesus" and carrying His fragrance around with you.  People smell it and want it even if they aren't sure WHAT/WHO they want at first.  They just know they want to be around YOU (who happens to talk to Him often, who speak His own words, invites His Holy Spirit into you, who listens and obeys Him).

So today, I challenge you to be child-like.  Take those qualities I mentioned above and incorporate them into your day in as many ways as you can.  Then, look around and see how people react. 

 Do you know who I am thinking about right now?  

Jim Carrey in Yes Man.  Ok, ok, you don't HAVE to take it to that extreme but everyone in his life immediately started coming alive around him and they were curious about the change.  He made people happy.  Plus, it's a biblical story.  JUST kidding.  It's a great movie though, so if you aren't willing to be child-like today, AT LEAST watch Yes Man.  (you get a bonus Zooey Deschanel thrown in, too!)

I'm going to end with mentioning that I feel like I haven't gotten this across in the most effective way but I feel strongly about posting it this morning.  I hope you see that it's important for us to be like children for ourselves as much as for the people around us.  Have a marvelous day, dear readers!

Much love,

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