Words fail me pic

Words fail me pic

Thursday, June 21, 2012


I was watching Tangled with the kids and at the end I was thinking wow, this is such a great story.  And then I thought wait, no it's not, it's horrible. Kidnapping of an infant, years and years of yearning and life feeling unresolved for the parents, Repunzel knowing she was meant for more but unable to be free of the tower, etc.  We're only seeing it from the climax to when they're all happy.

That's the way it is with people, too.  Often times, we only hear their testimony and see them where they are:  after the struggle.  But, we forget there were years and years where they were yearning and in pain and addicted and alone and depressed and throwing up their food and cutting themselves and lying and cheating and abandoning others.  Deep breath.  And killing and loving too much and feeling numb and stripping and addicted to pornography and hating and passed out and trying too hard and losing their family and leading others down these paths.

I'm not saying their testimony isn't beautiful nonetheless, I'm saying the opposite. Don't forget: we can't just latch onto the happiness of the end of the testimony.  We need to hear it all.  Which is why it's important for us to SAY it all.  People are literally set free by the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11) .  Which means we all sort of need one.  It doesn't have to be dramatic or horrible or intense.   But for most people there is a piece of that in their lives.

So, I want to encourage you to GIVE your testimony.  It doesn't have to be in a church service, it may be over coffee or on Facebook, but give it!  I think if you don't, you may even be giving the impression to others that your life has always looked happy or together (and maybe it HAS so that's your testimony).  But after the testimony guess what?  You'll probably get another one.  More struggles will come and you'll keep overcoming, so you'll keep having amazing testimonies.  Some will be big, some will be small, but you'll have them.

It's your duty to give your story, show them the hard times and how God used them for your good (Romans 8:28).  Don't think that those parts of your life aren't important or that once you overcame them you lost your permission to address them.  Those times have a purpose.  Pastor Steve says "the purpose of purpose is people" so here ya go.  Let that purpose be for the people.  My former youth pastor, Pastor Jim told me, "your past is the best indication of your future ministry."  I've never forgotten that and it's come true over and over again in different ways.  So tell yourself your testimony and see how you might help others.

Wouldn't it be horrible if all of the pain we suffered was for no reason?  That it couldn't be used now for anything good? I'd have a hard time living with that.  So use it.

Much love,

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