Words fail me pic

Words fail me pic

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Supernatural and normal (they're the same thing)

There are things in this world that are supernatural and the only reason we don't think of them that way is because we've gotten used to them being normal.  Think about the wind. HOW WEIRD IS WIND? We can't see it but we can feel it. It can be soothing and devastating. AND WE CAN'T EVEN SEE IT. But it's always been there and we've always treated it as if it's normal. Or the tide coming in. IT JUST KNOWS WHAT TO DO. WHAT?? When to come in, when to go out, as of the waves are obeying a conductor we can't see. HOW WILD IS THAT?  But we don't think about it, unless we're studying why. We know why, scientifically speaking. But WHY is there a WHY?

Sometimes we think (in movies or books) how wild it would be if we could fly or our bodies could heal themselves or the different species that could inhabit the earth.  Meanwhile, our bodies are capable of creating human life! The wildest things live at the bottom of the sea! The wind hits our face and we just accept what we can't see.  The waves touch our toes and then run back out to sea. The sun warms our faces without killing us.  We accept the wind, the waves and the sun but don't accept that someone could have made them?  That seems wild to me. 

If you don't believe in the supernatural, know that the supernatural is already all around us. It's too late to doubt.  Why do you doubt that there could be a supernatural God when there are things like the wind and trees and hummingbirds and flowers opening, leaning toward the sun. << I mean...that's odd, right? I won't EVEN get into the solar system. It seems wild that we could ever say for sure, "none of this matters. It has no meaning. These things are just science playing out on earth."  Ok but whyyyyyy????  If that's the case then why do we have talents and passions?  Why are we naturally good at things that don't promote the survival of our species? I am so comfortable in the questions. In fact, I like the questions and discussion more than the conclusion, often(most)times. 

I'll tell you something. Where science and spirituality mix and merge and swirl and dance is my favorite place. Science and the supernatural are so interwoven to me that when one group of people uses one to refute the other all it serves to do is weave them together even tighter for me.  It's a beautiful thing.  

I bet if you ask God to reveal himself to you today he will. Come on, think of it as a dare. Open up your heart and mind though.  Give yourself this one day to banish doubt either way and look at what's already here. Ask him "If you are the creator, show yourself."

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