Words fail me pic

Words fail me pic

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Reexamine yourself

Sometimes when a big cultural event happens that demands sides to be taken (which is happening at least twice a month nowadays) and everyone is a slave to the demand and can't help but weigh in on the subject, and articles are written/shared overnight about how God feels about it, and how I should feel about it, I feel like Jesus with the money changers in the temple. 

Except His love is perfect, his motives are perfect and mine are mixed with anger and opinion and the need to be right. So I can't weigh in because I just can't do it responsibly. I'm so human. 

Imagine the most disgusting human being you can imagine. To you it may be a looter, a transgender man who is wearing a woman, a child molester with a reality show, a homosexual eating Chick Fil A, a man shooting an unarmed child, a cop letting a man die while driving erratically, a cop-killing man or woman with no motives but hate for the man or woman in uniform...

Now. If it's too hard for you to imagine Jesus cupping the face of the person you're imagining JUST AS THEY ARE NOW with as much love and adoration in His eyes as he has for you then you need to either reexamine:

how madly in love with you that Jesus is. 


how madly in love with the person that you hate most on earth that Jesus is. 


Jesus didn't call us to have the best arguments and He didn't call us to ignore what's going on in the world. So where is the middle?  Where is it that Jesus stands?  Speaking the truth with arms open wide. Led by the Spirit and not by the need to be right with the best argument. We can't find that place ourselves because we call it the middle and He calls it perfect love. It's not elusive, but it's not seen or found with human eyes. We need His spirit to show us. 

I think we all need to reexamine what love is. It's not accepting the person and accepting the sin. It's not rejecting the person and rejecting the sin. 

God loved us and he gave. 

The gift of God's son was given to ALL humans REGARDLESS of who they are, what they've done. God's love is unconditional. 


And yet...Our love tends to be based on how people act toward us and it's conditional. Our love needs to be for everyone, unconditionally. If that's too hard for you, if you can't love people like that then 


The articles we share with the attitude of either "bless those idiots' hearts, let's pray," or "FILTHY SINNER!  I am calling you out and a lot of people will agree with ME!" are so wrong.  You aren't exempt because you didn't pen the words. You're sharing them and they show the condition of your heart. 

Like when we share God's word. We didn't pen the words but it shows the condition of our hearts. 

Regarding the condition of your heart:


My last thoughts. You know when Jesus was in the temple throwing out all of those making profit in the house of God, then proceeding to heal the sick and the children began to worship...guess who was indignant? THE SPIRITUAL LEADERS. Those who were obsessed with the law/religion and left out love. Probably the bloggers and article writers of their day. Don't depend on their words, my words. Depend on His. 


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