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Monday, June 20, 2011

It's Not About Me-Max Lucado part 4

see the beginning of part 1 for reasons behind this Lucado blog...

Moses says “show me your glory”. We cross a line when we make such a request. When our deepest desire is not the things of God, or a favor from God, but God himself, we cross a threshold. Less self focus, more God focus. Less about me, more about him. -Lucado

Less self focus.  That...is a hard one.   (BTW, right now Show Me Your Glory by Jesus Culture just came on my computer which is really a big "coincidence"  listen if you haven't heard it, you'll understand). 

I want to cross the threshold.  Finally, I WANT TO CROSS THE THRESHOLD!  I've always said I want to know Him, but haven't really put much effort into that relationship, instead I focused on the works I was doing FOR Him.  Those works are great, but don't mean as much if not done to show God's glory but to show my own.  And how can I even know what His glory is, if I don't know Him?

Shouldn’t Moses’ request be yours? You’ve got problems. Look at you. Living in a dying body, walking on a decaying planet, surrounded by a self centered society. Some saved by grace; other fueled by narcissism. Many of us by both. Cancer. War. Disease. You and I need what Moses needed--a glimpse of God’s glory. Such a sighting can change you forever. --Lucado

I want that.  The end. 


To seek God’s glory is to pray “Thicken the air with your presence; make it misty with your majesty. Part heaven’s drapes, and let your nature spill forth. God, show us God.”  God’s glory carries the full weight of his attributes: his love, his character, his strength, and on and on.

"GOD, SHOW US GOD."  That statement really got to me.  I can see why Moses was literally glowing after seeing the back of God.  Can you imagine being hit with the full weight of everything that is God.  It is our love multiplied infinitely.  It is our emotional and physical strength magnified to a point we can't even imagine. 

God exists to showcase God.

And I’m ok with that. If I’m a part of how He does it, so be it. Who said life had to be any certain way, anyway? Well, aside from God, but that’s the point! Who says we have to be the center of it all and get to the top. Here’s a thought. What if everyone DID get to the top? We would topple…

We need to learn our place, which may be at the "top" by earthly standards, or it may be a lot lower.  But, we are all children of God put here for one purpose: TO GLORIFY HIM AND TO REFLECT HIM.  That sort of puts us all in the same place. 

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