Words fail me pic

Words fail me pic

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Climb the mountain with your hands wide open

Forgive the grammatical mistakes, I just need to get this out.

I was listening to a song on my phone, ear buds in, relaxing on the couch and suddenly some words popped into my head.  It was sort of visionary or something, like I was half dreaming.  Thought I'd share.  (BTW, this does NOT mean that I will do this one day, obviously, because I'm telling you now...I don't know why I saw it but I would ONLY share if I felt that I was supposed to...and I do).

It was during praise and worship at church and I had a microphone and was telling the congregation to hold their hands out in front of them and look at their palms.  To then visualize whatever problems they've been carrying around and can't let go of.  To look their problems square in the face and... face them.  Then, to raise their hands in the air and turns their palms out, away from them.  That was the way they'd let the problem go.  I asked them to see their problems/issues/addictions/whatever being swept away by a strong wind.  I was saying "no one will take these problems from you.  If you want them gone, you have to figure out a way to release your grip on them, lift them up and let them go.  This is on you right now."  Sounds harsh, but I wasn't even second guessing myself.  I was just saying it.

Then, (I don't know who I was speaking to), I was telling someone that even though they had let most of their problems go, that one problem they couldn't/wouldn't deal with had now taken on the weight of all of the problems combined that they had before.  It was because their hands had gotten used to holding a specific weight and until all of the weight was gone, none of the weight would be gone.

Maybe (just, maybe) I was talking to myself, who knows.  But we were singing a specific song that of course has words that go along with these thoughts, in a way.

The song is called Climb by Will Reagan and United Pursuit.  The lyrics and video are at the bottom, I highly encourage you to listen to the song, read the lyrics and search your heart to see what you can't release.

Imagine climbing the mountain (whatever big thing you're getting ready to do) with your hands wide open!!!  With nothing holding you back!  And maybe God won't let you NEAR that mountain until you've held your hands wide open before Him saying "take this, remove it from my life, I can't climb holding onto it"  I need grip.

Surrender.  Obey what He says to do next.

As you go to your church tomorrow and meet with your church family, lift up your hands and say "God, I give this to you!"  Prepare today by asking Him to search your heart and reveal to you what you need to let go of, if you don't already know.  Spend today in prayer reflecting and praising Him and thanking Him that tomorrow you will be brand new all over again.  Ready to face whatever mountain is coming.  You can't do this.  But when HE is in you, YOU LACK NOTHING.  

 Mark 9:23 
"'If you can'?" said Jesus. "Everything is possible for him who believes."

Climb by Will Reagan and United Pursuit

I lean not on my own understanding
My life is in the hands of the Maker of heaven

I give it all to You God trusting that you'll make something beautiful out of me

There's nothing I hold on to
There's nothing I hold on to
There's nothing I hold on to
There's nothing I hold on to


Here is the song: 

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