Words fail me pic

Words fail me pic

Monday, September 17, 2012

Confession time.

I don't like story time at the library. I go as far as looking up the times, but never go.

I don't plan meals (honestly I WISH I did)

I never take my kids to the park.

Sometimes I choose doing dishes over spending time with the kids because I just can't take one more person talking at me.

I escape to the bath tub, even if I don't need a bath because it's harder to be bothered in there. It's a good excuse. I'm a person that needs spurts of solid alone time. But not too much or I get nervous. A daily bath is good for this.

I like being indoors...outdoors not so much. I use mosquitos as an excuse to go back inside.

I don't know why, but I dread practices of any kind (violin, gymnastics) and all day long, I think about it until it's over. I just don't understand the mind of a sports mom, but I sure wish I had some of their enthusiasm! For real..

I love planning parties, but hate executing them.

I can literally eat a WHOLE bag of chips in one sitting.

Half an hour after my morning coffee, I feel like superwoman and that I could handle another couple of kids...then Asher fills a cup with juice and puts all of his Legos in it and while I'm cleaning that up he punches the dog and while I'm addressing that, the dog poops and...well...I come back crashing down.

If I don't see the bills they don't exist.

I've become a procrastinator but I didn't used to be.

Sometimes I yearn to work again and sometimes I take advantage of staying home to just be lazy.

Sometimes I "let" Zoe play extra long because I just don't feel like dealing with homework.

I feel like a bad mom a lot of the time.

I still think I'm a pretty good mom.

Thank you God for grace. And thank you God all of these don't happen everyday at the same time!!!! This may have seemed like a downer blog, but it's good to get it out sometimes, right?

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