Words fail me pic

Words fail me pic

Thursday, November 29, 2012

November 29th - the first day of Isaac and Courtney

I had vowed to not date anyone for a year and *almost* made it, but this boy asked me out while trying on shoes at the mall (while his sisters mysteriously disappeared). I thought "what the heck? I don't have to "date him" date him, I can just go on a date with him" We ended up kissing BEFORE our first date and held hands like we'd been dating ten years ON our first date! haha And that was it.

 I told him around 6 months into it, I needed to KNOW we were supposed to get married, even though I felt I'd just die without him. What I meant was that I was a new baby Christian and I realized I needed to make sure this was the man God meant to be my forever man. He was such a gentleman and stepped back while I prayed and I really DEMANDED that God tell me it was Isaac. God, also the gentleman, let me rant and rave until finally I was spent and told Him "I know I'm not supposed to be asking for signs all the time, but You know what I need to hear so shut me up long enough so I can hear it."

 I looked up the word "love" in the concordance of my Bible and it said "Isaac" in Genesis. I was like "ummmm ok God that can't be You because that's pretty obvious," so I looked up the most romantic book of the Bible Song of Solomon. When I opened to that book in my Bible, Isaac had written a note on a little scrap of paper I'd never seen before that said "Courtney, I love you." A tremendous peace fell upon me them and I realized I was so scared that God was going to say "He's not the one" (because I was just madly in love with him) that I didn't want to seek out the answer. BTW, I didn't last a week of searching this out, it was about three days haha!

I am so grateful for the stress of that week because knowing and I mean KNOWING that we are meant to be together, with NO doubts, makes any hard times we go through less…hard. I know there is a permanence with him and the covenant we've made to one another withstands anything. So I have no worries he'll pick up and leave one day. He wouldn't have been promised to me if there was anything we couldn't get through together. 

Our first date was Outback and then to WalMart to buy my mom an extension cord, but by then it felt like we already knew it was forever. I love you Isaac and I'm so thankful we've had WAY more good times than bad and that YOU'VE been the one to show me Jesus like no one else. The fact that it's you, my husband is so sweet!

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