I cover a lot of topics and try to actually STAY on them, ha! Come stay awhile and let me know your thoughts on each topic.
Words fail me pic

Thursday, May 28, 2015
Zoe, anxiety, and the summer from hell
Parenting is hard
Decide what you are, not what you aren't
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
The joy of [INSERT ANYTHING] is not my strength.
The joy of financial security is my strength.
The joy of having well-behaved children is my strength.
The joy of feeling accepted by others is my strength.
The joy of my weight loss is my strength.
The joy of owning my own home is my strength.
The joy of being right is my strength.
The joy of figuring it out is my strength.
The joy of good health is my strength.
The joy of a perfect marriage is my strength.
The joy of [INSERT ANYTHING] is my strength.
All of those things are temporal. They can all be snatched away from you in a split second. Then what?
The joy of The Lord is my strength. HIS JOY.
His joy is perfect and He offers it to us. It never changes, even as our circumstances do. How amazing is that?
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
To the brand new Christian: 11 things that I wish that someone would have told me
I don't know if you've avoided salvation, mocked it, wanted it or dreaded it, but I celebrate with you right now! While this is the most important decision you'll ever make and while it's an occasion to celebrate and be ecstatic about, there are some things you should know. Things that I didn't know and it took me a decade to realize while making all kinds of assumptions and feeling all kinds of guilt.
(this is the biggie)
Salvation isn't an instant fix all. That's not even the point.
We live on earth.
Humans. Ugh. (oh wait, that's me)
(Read 1 Peter 4...amazing stuff relating to this topic)
Also, people will hate us and it will be hard, because we love to be loved and appreciated and validated. Not everyone is going to do those things, even withIN the church. Even if you do everything right, people at some point, will still hate you.
It will be more than hard, it will be impossible. But...
He makes a point to tell us that He's giving us a comforter which means we'll need lots of comfort. We will hurt and we will run to Him. His spirit is also referred to as "advocate" and "helper"
There are jerks in church.
Annoying people.
Trouble makers.
Constantly you're going to hear, "why would I want to willingly associate with a group of people who are hypocrites? The church does this and that and I've been hurt and..." yeah...we all want to scream I KNOW WE SHOULD BE BETTER BUT WE'RE PEOPLE AND MAKE MISTAKES, HUGE MISTAKES, BUT WE NEVER CLAIMED TO BE PERFECT AND...
Nothing we say seems to make a difference. Because we're in defense mode, maybe.
This one makes me bang my head against the wall. It's complicated, ok? We are called to be unlike the world, yet we are in the world. So yeah, we aren't perfect. And yeah...we are forgiven. I used to have the keychain. *eyeroll* BUT. We can't constantly shout that at the world.
Excuses, excuses. It's all they hear.
The church is such a good place to practice being in the midst of jerks and hypocrites and the unlovable and loving them anyway. I know this because I am ALL OF THOSE THINGS and I am loved. We learn to love them so that we can go out into the world and love them out there, too. If we can't even love those who love Jesus, then how are we going to love those who mock us? Hate us? Hate our children? Persecute us (truly persecute, not just saying Happy Holidays)? How????
You got it...by loving who He loves which happens to be everyone in and out of the church.
3. Grace isn't a big blanket you throw over your past.
You may have come to Jesus all broken up and guilty. Maybe you've done things that the world says are inexcusable. I know I did. And I thought that when I got saved, grace was like a big blanket that God draped over my past and I was never to think of it again unless giving a testimony and that was only in an "I'm over that now" kind of way.
That magical blanket had healing powers, so why didn't I feel healed? Why did I still think on those things? It made me feel like a fraud. It wasn't until I was in counseling and he said, "you need to address these things. You don't necessarily have to find the root of all of your issues, but you need to talk about it." When I did, it hurt and it didn't feel good at first, but I found freedom eventually in truth. Who knew?
Maybe you don't need that, but if you do that's normal. If you do need to address it (and probably most people do), you can let God break the chains and then there's your testimony. What the enemy uses for bad, God uses for good. There's not a THING in your past that can't be used for good. Crazy, right? It takes the power away from that thing, though which is amazing. Transformative.
We represent Christ on earth. *gulp*
There is a lot of going and doing in Christianity. It's not something that you enter into like a club. It's not showing up to church once or twice a week, it's action. It's movement. It's a body. What happens when your body is inactive all of the time? Parts start to die. Yeah. Die.
What happens when you exercise your body? When you get your blood pumping and you're constantly stretching and pushing yourself to new goals? LIFE! Also, movement tends to produce the desire for more movement and it creates energy. Energy is good.
We need energy in order to represent Christ to a world who has their collective hands over their ears. We need energy to stay up with them all night as they weep in our arms. We need energy to never stop loving and fighting for those who will never even come to Jesus.
We need endurance, too, and guess what brings that on? I myself want to cover my ears at the answer to this one...trials and suffering.
Endurance...to character...to hope. Which we need to be ambassadors.
But we aren't alone. We aren't each a body, we each make up the parts to *the* body. Unity.
**Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-the end. This description of the body of Christ is so beautiful. We need one another. We all need to move with one another. How amazing is that?
Like REALLLLLY mess up. Not just once.
When we mess up in deed or attitude (ahem, Courtney), His forgiveness is everlasting as long as we ask.
6. Forgiveness is so important.
We have to do it. HAVE TO. We have to forgive ourselves and others and not just at salvation but every day for the rest of our lives.
I read a book with that title by Max Lucado years ago and it rocked my little Christian bubble until it popped. I was all, "umm...what? Then WHO is it about???"
Well, He told me in someone else's voice in a book and it was the first thing I ever blogged about. I basically just copied and pasted Lucado's words and was all, "wowwwwww, look you guys!" Yeah, my early blogging attempts were stellar.
I always thought it was about me. And you. And you over there. That God had a spotlight on my life as He had one on yours. We were all the main stars. How? I don't know, I hadn't gotten that far, he's God ya know?
Turns out good people, that it is NOT in fact about sweet little me. Or you. It's about Jesus. He's center stage. He uses me, yes. He loves me with an everlasting love, yes. But it's so much bigger than myself that I can't even compute it in my brain. It's also a freeing concept. It doesn't rest on me. It's already been done.
9. People will throw Christian clichés at you like candy.
In fact, sometimes they give them to you as if they're in the bible, but they aren't. Nor are they all true. Sometimes they're partially accurate, but you have to test every spirit.
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1
I'm not saying everyone that throws a cliche at you is a false prophet. Most of the time, they just don't know what to say but want to make you feel better. But...some of these things that are meant to make you feel better just aren't true. AND, they don't make you feel better. Go tell a mom that God won't give her more than she can handle after she loses her child and she may think "Yes. Yes he will."
Sift everything anyone tells you through the bible and see what God says about it. Wrestle with words that people throw. It's important.
10. Church walls are not nearly as important as you think they are.
Add to that denominations, city lines, borders between countries and anything else we use to separate ourselves even just a little bit. Who uses instruments and who uses voices only, who sings hymns only and who incorporates secular music into their set list, who has Sunday night services and who only has Sunday morning, who has church in their homes, who wears skirts instead of pants...oh the list is never ending.
Your church is not the kingdom of Heaven and your pastor is not God. Your denomination is not "right" and America is not the only country worth living in. Wear jeans. Wear skirts. Sing Don't Stop Believin'. I don't care. (Ok wait, I care. I want to go to a church that sings Don't Stop Believin')
So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, 2 complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Philippians 2:1-2
Koinonia. Ya heard of it? It's a Greek word and one of my favorite things. It's like a giant spiritual jack hammer to the walls those things mentioned above build. Those things are there, so we have to learn to live, love and serve in them and ignore them. And pay attention to them. Sound complicated? It doesn't have to be.
"Koinonia is being in agreement with one another, being united in purpose, and serving alongside each other. Our koinonia with each other is based on our common koinonia with Jesus Christ." (I got that from gotquestions.org)
Basically, it's who we are to one another based upon our mutual relationships with Jesus not our denominations and church walls. So strip all of that stuff away (stuff that is ok sometimes) and that's what we have. How beautiful! What a beautiful tapestry of woven together differences. All on the SAME canvas. God loves unity in diversity and we should, too!
This was on Wikipedia about the word koinonia: "The same bonds that link the individual to Jesus also link him or her with other faithful."Which could be with a member of a church across town, or a man who lives in Africa whom you've never met, or any Christian.
I happen to see a lot of this happening in our area right now (a lot of coming together) and it's like "yes! Let's do this!"
If we say that we have fellowship with Him, and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:6-7
We obviously (hopefully, please!) also have many relationships with people who aren't Christians, but the connection that comes from a relationship with Jesus isn't there. That doesn't take ANYthing away from that relationship, just clarifying that God doesn't call us to ONLY converse with Christians. QUITE the opposite. So much the opposite that I don't even know how to put it into words. Love people, not just people like you. Don't sequester yourself away behind the walls of the church.
How do we hear God's voice? How do we know His will for our lives? I asked Pastor Steve this once and he said something along the lines of, "Get to know the rhythm of His voice. How, you ask? Read His word. Pray and listen." The rhythm of His voice...something about that struck me. We learn that by getting to know Him...knowing what He says and what is important to Him. The rhythm of how He speaks. Beautiful!
Pastor Steve also told me that we already know His will for us. He tells us in His word which we have to read to know. A few examples: take care of widows and orphans, love the least of these, obey the ten commandments (and more), take care of your family, love your enemies. We don't have to ask Him if any of these things are His will for us specifically because these things are His will for EVERYONE. If we want to hear more specifically then we listen as we go. As we move and do and love and serve.
If we head in the wrong direction, He'll redirect us. But we can't sit and wait to hear a loud, booming voice.
Just go. Do what you know is right. Don't stop doing those things. (And don't stoppppp believinnnnn'...ok ok I'll stop)
Second, I'm going to share the two scriptures that have completely altered the course of my life. I love all of His word and no word or phrase is more important than the other, but you'll encounter scriptures at a certain points in your life that just change everything. Here are mine and I'll blog about them later: