Words fail me pic

Words fail me pic

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Decide what you are, not what you aren't

I just saw a bumper sticker that said "Not a Republican."

It struck me as weird. I mean I'm not a republican either (or a democrat...another story) but if you spend your whole life defining yourself by what you're not, or what you're anti, you're going to be creating a lot of drama and conflict in your life. That can't be your WHOLE ENTIRE message to a lost and dying world. 

So, what ARE you? 

Are you a lover?  A servant?  A tool? A fighter?  A worrier? A warrior? An abuser? A positive force in this world? Whatever it is, own it. Then keep moving in it or change it. 

Decide and then be that. Promote THAT. If you keep screaming at us what you're not/what you're against,  you're inviting the world to a conversation that has no purpose and moves no one forward. Just a lot of noise. You just argue your point and share articles that have headlines that support your stance, meanwhile the world is starving for food and love. Meanwhile, your next door neighbor who vocally disagrees with you is dying in solitude but you won't talk to him. 

Don't let your stance become who you are. Just believe it and then go change the world!  

**Obviously I'm not talking about being anti human trafficking or horrible crimes against humanity or anything like that. I'm anti that, too, OF COURSE. But bringing awareness to atrocities isn't the same as being ugly-proud about where you stand on gay marriage or when you think life begins. Whether you believe Jesus is who he says he is or not, you can't argue that love will save the world a hell of a lot faster than hate. Or worse, pride. 

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