Words fail me pic

Words fail me pic

Monday, May 21, 2012

Are you discouraged?

I hate that I can't just run up front at church and speak what's on my mind.  One day, I'll be able to obey in that way, I just don't know when.  But, I CAN speak my mind here and let out what's on my heart, right? So until I can do it in front of a crowd, I'll just write it out to you.

This weekend, my friend Kellie invited me to a women's retreat and I was able to attend for one evening.  It was amazing and the feeling of all these women together just expecting to hear from God and expecting to be able to be open and honest was such a great atmosphere.  A woman spoke (or taught I should say, she was a wonderful teacher and I learned a lot).

I had been fighting discouragement all week.  Usually I find when I'm fighting it and then go into a group of people open to the move of God, a lot of them are going through it, too.  God is a wonderful orchestrator.  So, when I got this word inside of me, I knew I should share it.  I just couldn't make myself.  It was such an open atmosphere, we were welcome to just interrupt if we wanted and I still couldn't do it.

Then, at church on Sunday, guess what?  I felt it again.  Ugh, I suck. I don't, but that's what it feels like when you CAN'T MAKE YOURSELF MOVE!!!!!

By this point, you're probably thinking geez woman, get to the word!!!!

The speaker at Kellie's event was talking about how the enemy (that would be Satan) likes to see you discouraged.  Not because he cares about you but because it stops you from moving.  Immediately, the following thoughts flowed through my head:

Satan doesn't care personally about my soul being in Hell, he just doesn't want me in Heaven and he doesn't want me to show the way to Heaven to others.  God is invested in my soul, He is my creator, He is my author, He loves me too much to leave a second of my life to chance.  Satan however, doesn't care about me.  I'm not even sure he cares about my suffering for the sake of pain, it's just to convince us that the world and all its pain is all there is.   I think he just hates God so much and is so bitter, He wants Him separated from me and for me to be separated from Him.  (I have no idea if all of this is Biblically based, just thoughts, so go look it up and prove me right or wrong!!!)

The enemy doesn't just want to see you discouraged to keep you down (although that is the truest thing, right?).  He wants others to see how you react to being discouraged.  He wants them to point to you as a believer, and scrutinize you while you're down.  If you're depressed, then you don't believe enough and God isn't real.  If you're super happy anyway, then you're fake and God isn't real.  So, how should we be?  

(at this point, my brain took a small break to listen and a few minutes later, this is what I heard)

THE JOY OF THE LORD IS OUR STRENGTH! (Nehemiah 8:10)  The true joy of the Lord, not the fake happy plastered on smile, either.  The joy that even when we're down and upset and can't see a way out, we have salvation!  We KNOW that we are going THROUGH something and we can do all things THROUGH Him.  So, the closest we can be to God is in the midst of trials.  It makes it easier to count it all joy, right?   (James 1:2)

But, ya know what?  The word of God also says that in our weakness, HIS strength is perfected.  (2 Cor 12:9) This just made me laugh out loud because that means when we are going through discouragement, the enemy has to go THROUGH God to get to us.  Which he can't do because love covers us and wins every time.  Every.  Time.  

Exodus 14:14 (the most recent verse that has changed m perspective says:

Still, calm, quiet... weak?  YES!  He's our Savior, so let Him save you!  You can do nothing but say YES, so don't wear yourself out.   Rest and let Him...

Whether the enemy sees us in weakness or strength, HE HAS NO FOOTHOLD as long as we're in Christ!  If we could just get that, it would change every circumstance in our life!  If we feel strong it's because of the joy of the Lord;  if we feel weak, His strength is perfected in that.  

When you start the practice of being joyful on purpose in the midst of discouragement, discouragement won't stick around.  Ya know why?  Because discouragement is not from God.  But joy is.  It doesn't say "when we have joy, we are strong"  It says "the joy of THE LORD is our strength."  HIS JOY becomes our strength.  

Nothing starts with us (and can I get an amen on that?).  HIS grace is sufficient for us.  Not the grace I provide.  My grace would be filled up with all kinds of stipulations and phrases like "when you get to this point, then I'll give you grace," or "if you meet me halfway, then I'll give you grace."  God's grace has nothing to do with me and everything to do with Him.  (which is what Pastor Steve is teaching on now).  

On Sunday, Pastor Steve said, "God will walk with you through any amount of Hell you're going through as long as you are repentant," which reminds me that God can go and see anywhere, even walk through the enemy's camp,  but the enemy can't walk through Heaven.  God can walk through discouragement, the enemy can't walk through joy. So, I choose joy.

Every time, I want joy which means I have to start practicing it!  The biggest lie people believe about living a life with Jesus is that everything is supposed to come to you easily as soon as you say yes to Him.  It's why so many people are saved and then fall away as soon as their lives don't turn around or as people continue to get cancer or our nation goes to war.  The word of God is very clear on the fact that we will have trials (James 1:12) and people will hate us (John 15:18).  Doesn't sound easy.   But eternal life with Him sounds worth it.

So, find His joy today!

Much love,

Listen to this today :)



  1. Amen amen amen! Satan's goal isn't to get all our souls in hell, his goal is to render us ineffective! I am so easily discouraged sometimes, and I needed this reminder that discouragement is just another tool of the enemy. Good word! Thanks for sharing!!

    1. I'm with ya! For so much of my life I was easily discouraged and I just leached onto the emotion of the room. If everyone was happy, I was happy. If everyone was nervous, I was nervous. I couldn't separate myself, but now I can! Or at least I'm trying...
