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Words fail me pic

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Attending the church

Going to church:
My relationship with Jesus isn't dependent on it, but my relationship with the world is.  

So many people make excuses for why they don't need to go and I did too.  The period where we don't is important to our spiritual journey too.  God makes all things work together for our good.  Even and maybe especially dry periods and times out of church.  But watching it on TV every week only is going against what He wants for you.  He wants edification and laughing and crying and sharpening of iron to take place.

The church smells and tastes metallic because of all of this iron sharpening.  The church smells like Jesus.  
Your house smells like you.  

I'm not talking about if you are bed ridden or are sick, I'm talking more about if you are able but choose another route.  God chose for us a family.  Family we can touch, and hug and SEE once or twice a week.   But guess what?  Sometimes your family members say hurtful things and use you.  It's not an excuse to leave the family.  Your response to this is what counts, but wow this would be a blog for another time.

I want to be ready to take his love into the world and where else will I get prepared?  Who will go with me?  The television won't.  How can I help new believers if I'm not around...new believers? How can I show what life can be like to hurting, broken people if I'm sitting on my couch far way from hurting, broken people?

I'm not saying there aren't a lot of good things to hear on tv (but there is also a lot of misinformation and theatrics that i'm not getting into here).  But, don't stop there.  Don't think church hopping only, and watching television is all there is.  God wants us to be in a body of believers consistently where can throw all of our passion and talents.  It's important that the Pastor knows who is there and committed to reflect Him back tot he world.  He needs to know who he can call on to help.  There are so many types of churches and so many types of people...ONE IS WAITING FOR YOU!  FOR YOUR TALENTS!  FOR YOUR LOVE!  I love Pastor Steve puts it.  

The following is taken from a podcast of Celebration Church and it will be in blue:

The real Garden of God is a wild crazy looking thing and it's beautiful.  

Not a manicured, processed human thing.  We need flesh and blood and people.  We need to be exposed to jerks.  We need to learn to love one another.

Learning to love annoying people and people who don't deserve it is part of what we're called to do.  LOVE.  ONE.  ANOTHER.  

Ummm...yeah Pastor Steve, I agree :)  Who says you can't say JERK in a sermon?????

John 13:34 A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.

Romans 12:16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly.  Never be wise in your own sight.

Live in harmony implies that there will be some work to it.  We must harmonize.  Otherwise, it would just say "live..."  Where are we going to learn how to achieve harmony?

Here is a little Jennifer Wayne wisdom for ya in pink:

"And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow Him. Let your roots grow down into Him, and let your lives be built on Him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness." Colossians 2:6,7

If a tree's seed keeps jumping around, it will never grow, it will never reach its full potential.  Sad, but true.  Are we a seed or a tree?  Funny, we are both.  But we need to ask ourself, "are we the fullness He made us to be?"  

Stay in church.  Get watered, get food and GROW, GROW, GROW!  That way, when the storms come, you'll be strong enough to withstand them!

I agree with you Jen, and it's because I've just gone through this.  I feel strongly that God has only given me back my writing and passions because He can now trust me with them.  And it's because I'm firmly rooted in Him and the family He's called me to.  Because I'm firmly rooted, I've been GROWING, GROWING, GROWING!

If you aren't in a church and thinking about joining or don't ever want to join a church again or just feel like you don't want to wake up early, I'm not judging you.  But, I'm telling you in love that God wants more for you and you'll feel better for it.  I'm nervous to write a blog like this that isn't self-depricating or telling you what I'VE learned about MY experience, but I'm doing it afraid.  I hope you can see that I'm saying these things from a place of love and experience.

1 comment:

  1. One of the many things I am thankful for from my parents is that the importance of attendance took root deep in me. Loved what you wrote and put together here.
