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Words fail me pic

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

For Celebration Church - God's stained glass window to the world

You shine through us
Oh God
Like a stained glass window
You shine through us
Oh father
Bringing out every single color
May we bear your image
And likeness in this world
Restore our hearts
Shine through us 
Oh God, Amen
**from You Shine Through by Brothers McClurg**

Celebration Church reminds me of a stained glass window.  Pieces... all different colors...

Each person is a piece of the tapestry of the church.  All of us a different shade of beautiful, some big, some small, some not very visible but shining bright because of the light that is behind us, displaying a river of colors upon the world.

Can you see it?  Imagine this window that would be us.  The sun (son) behind us (the pieces woven together, some overlapping).  Within the light, the colors merge and create more colors, colors you've never dreamed about!  You can't tell where one color ends and another begins.  The light does that, it connects our colors and shines them out for all to see.  It's beautiful!  We all have a purpose there and if one piece was missing, it would be missed.

It makes me think too that the more damaged we come, the more places for God to shine through us, altering the colors within us.  He mends us of course, but those places just shine ever the more brighter to a lost and broken world.  They wonder about us.

***I'm aware that I sound like a hippie, but this thought hit me on the way home today!  I love you church family :)

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