Words fail me pic

Words fail me pic

Monday, August 13, 2012

Simplicity - a public confession

First:  There is A LOT of info here.  I'm being very transparent and to be honest, pretty flippin' crazy.  It'll mostly make sense, but it's just burning within me so much that I'm just putting it out there, not edited too much.  I most likely repeated myself and stuff, so just hang with me.

For the past couple of years we've been more aware of simplifying our lives. Clutter, paperwork, spiritually (getting back to basics). But we haven't been great at it. It's sort of like the idea has been brewing but we haven't put it into action yet. I read the following quote yesterday that made me change from wanting to do it to actually doing it:

"We don't need to increase our goods nearly as much as we need to scale down our wants. Not wanting something is as good as possessing it." ~Donald Horban

"Not wanting something is as good as possessing it." Wow. That's the part that really got me.  If I really, really, really want a new book when does the wanting stop?  When I get it.  Well, if I stop wanting it, when does the wanting stop?  It never started.  Same end.  I'm not saying don't have things, but stop wanting them so much.  The wanting is a hand cuff that can't be taken off until you buy what you want to access the key.  BUT, another way to get that key is to walk away from wanting it.  Then *poof* it's like the hand cuff was never there.


"The ability to simplify means to eliminate the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak." ~Hans Hofmann

The Hutchinsons need this.  We love our stuff and I mean WE LOVE OUR STUFF!  Every now and then we recognize that we shouldn't be like this, but then we see a shiny new object and that thought gets pushed to the side by the reasons why we must have it.  Now.  Yesterday, we needed it, so today we must have it.  I realize how this makes us sound, but it's so true it makes me want to puke.

What would happen if we only had the essentials?  Things that we needed and things we saw the most beauty in?  Then, just by being near us, being in our house, in our car, you would KNOW us.  Right?  Because whether we like it or not, the stuff  in our lives speaks for us.  The only way to shut them up is to get rid of the ones with the nastiest language.  I'm not saying Playboys, geez, I'm just saying the things that say "hey they value junk" or "hey everybody look, The Hutchinsons have so much STUFF they can't keep it out of every nook and cranny and out from under every foot that enters."  I don't want that.  I want people to know what we value.  I want the necessary to speak.


"The sculptor produces the beautiful statue by chipping away such parts of the marble block as are not needed - it is a process of elimination." ~Elbert Hubbard

So, we are going to start eliminating.  We've begun today with the things and we'll be continually working on the junk in our lives that no one would notice, but that we've noticed is ruining our family dynamic (the amount of cable we have, how much we're on the internet, what we give our kids to occupy their time while we are busy being lazy, etc...)


I've realized that these things are just trappings.  Regarding Luke 9:57-58 Steven James wrote "Foxes have holes, birds have nests, but those who follow the Son have no place to lay their heads.  They just have a place to lay their hearts as they pick their way toward home."  And we don't either, when we follow God.  The things we can buy, the many ways we can waste time to avoid "boredom" are the enemy's ways to make us comfy here, to make us think that THIS is home.  Cable, feather pillows, endless rabbit holes on the internet, nice shoes, owl figurines to make you smile.  It's not.  Trappings.   They chain us down until we become apathetic to the things of the world (i'm thinking cable here as we watch people murdered and don't flinch).

Steven James also wrote: "I'll follow you wherever you go," we tell Jesus.  "I have no home," he says.  "Will you follow me to the place where you don't either?"    

Courtney and Isaac are saying "we will, Lord, and we'll take your two little children along with us."


Luke 12:34 says "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."
So, where is my heart?  I know where it feels like it is (with my Father, with my family, with my friends, helping others) but where do my treasures show my heart is (with all of the devices I have to keep my mind occupied every second of every day)


"Better is a little with the fear of the Lord than great treasure and trouble with it." Proverbs 15:16

So here we are.  Telling God (even though He knows better than we know) that we've screwed up this area of our lives.  We've given it to Him, and we're starting from this moment, guilt free, but hanging onto the lesson.  And I am admitting to you blogosphere that I am a lazy mother.  And this world just can't afford to have those.  We are raising up the next generation that will change the world (for better or worse).  It's a responsibility we have whether we recognize it or want it.  I want it, by the way.   But, my stewardship has sucked.  


Hebrews 12:1-3 
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame,and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.

So, as you all see me, I need to do better.  I want to THROW OFF every single little thing in my life that hinders me from living in more freedom and loving with more room in my hug.  Because, I'm in a race my friends and I can't run with two tons of baggage in my hands.  If this seems intense, it's because IT IS!  I want to never stop considering Him while disregarding things.  The world tries its hardest to convince me that I NEED this and I NEED that and I've fallen for it.  Fallen in love with junk.  I will not grow weary in this.  My heart will not be lost to things.  

I want to be captivated by the beauty in the simple things.  I've forgotten how to be still.  There isn't a moment in my life that I'm not looking at Facebook, checking emails, writing notes for a blog, playing Angry Birds/Words With Friends/Draw Something, ignoring my kids, or getting fatter.  The way I've been living is the equivalent of Tommy Boy squeezing the tube of ketchup into his mouth.  The crazy thing is, while doing all of this, I've slowly grown spiritually more mature.  Imagine what the heck I could accomplish for the Kingdom of God, imagine what glory and love I could be showing this broken world when all of these chains are thrown off of me.  Of us!  

Hold me accountable, blogosphere.
Lord, just hold me.  

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