Words fail me pic

Words fail me pic

Monday, April 9, 2012

Asher's boots = lesson learned

I was watching Asher play in his room.  The boy is obsessed with boots.

Boots, boots, everywhere, on his feet and in my hair!  


So, he wants to wear the boots downstairs. Cool.  The problem is, they are about 3 sizes too big because they are Zoe's fire boots, not his.  It's all cool until he starts to walk down the steps.  You should have seen him, having to lift up his legs really high, grabbing onto the railing, but daggone it he was gonna do it!  He was going to do it looking ridiculous, but he was adamant that he was wearing these boots downstairs.

They're too big, you're gonna fall
They're too big, you're gonna fall
They're too big, you're gonna fall.

He didn't fall. But still, that was some wise logic.  It made me think, just because you CAN do something and you do it and nothing bad happens, doesn't mean you SHOULD do it again.  Wearing boots way too big for your feet can lead to blisters and spills and falls and looking stupid.  Most definitely looking stupid.

(Not that I'm calling my son stupid.)

But one day he may walk down the steps and fall and get hurt.  The scary kind of hurt.

He's a child, just learning but because of his expanding little mind and what he gets from cause and effect (which honestly doesn't seem to be much...at least not as much as Zoe) teaches me endless lessons.  Which I can teach him later.  Wild, huh?  He's teaching me things that I'll teach him later.  Dang, that's amazing.

God loves lessons through story because He knows our minds since He created them.  He knows what makes a story/lesson stick and it's when you can imagine it and replay it in your mind.  Later, I'll be able to say things like "Asher, when you were 3..." and he'll say "Awwwww mom COME ON!  Another story from my childhood that relates to now???"  and I'll say "Just bear with me..."  And he'll learn.  He will.

Ok THAT'S bittersweet.

Anyway, he'll remember those lessons the same way I do.  Because I lived them and turned them into a little story lesson in my head.  As he tells his kids about what he did as a kid, that lesson will hit home again and they'll both learn.  It's crazy  how many directions it can go.  Kids at school "this kid in my class...one time when he was little he did... and that's why you shouldn't do...."

I'm a little scared to think of the lessons we'll learn because this kid has no fear and he loves to get caught doing naughty things.  Please Lord, protect him because You know I can't.  I just can't.  He's wild as a buck and cute as a mini-Justin Beiber.  I just want to muss up his hair and tickle him (which I DON'T want to do to Beiber, let's be clear).

Our stories reach far and wide, so don't ever stop looking for lessons in the everyday happenings at your house or school or church or wherever.  And ALWAYS share these stories with me so I can at least laugh at your expense.

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