Words fail me pic

Words fail me pic

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


This past year or so, I've been waking up. Three years ago, I entered into this spiritually numb period that didn't even feel hard because I was so numb and just didn't care. Do you know when it got hard? The first little nudge I got to wake up (my 2nd visit to Celebration). When I rolled over and the sun was in my eyes and I was confused. When I stretched and got a Charlie-horse. But being awake felt so good too. There was such a startling difference between the pain and the pleasure but I just kept feeling that being fully awake was going to be worth all of this. It was hard to realize I'd been asleep for so long. What did I miss??

One year later, I can finally say it was worth it! I've been rubbing my eyes and writing everything I can remember. Today, I'm metaphorically rising out of that bed, stepping into who He says I am and what He says I can do.

I'm taking my cues from Him. Dying to self, rising a new creation. If you're in that stage where it's getting hard, let me encourage you it won't last forever and it will get better!! It'll be worth it!

And if you're in the numb period, take heart, you aren't alone. I've been through it which means many others (most) have. Also, even when you don't feel Jesus, He's still there loving you as furiously as ever. He's still powerfully fighting on your behalf.

Ask me questions if you're in any of these places, cry on my shoulder, message the heck out of me. I don't want what I've been through to be for nothing, those labor pains birthed out a testimony that gives Him glory and hopefully helps someone else. Share your stories with me, let's all rise up together!!

Much love,

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